How, MA, ATR-BC is an art therapist and emotional resiliency coach with twenty-five years of experience helping people recover from trauma and mental illness. A modern day
mindfulness expert, Mary uses a unique combination of art and coping skills training in her online courses and personalized coaching program. Her courses will teach you coping skills including:
- Art for Healing & Inner-work
- Emotional Intelligence
- Mindfulness & Intuition
- Relational Health & Spiritual Partnership
- Post Traumatic Growth
- Dream-work
- Signs & Synchronicities
an artist Mary practices regular mindfulness meditation by creating
mandala circle drawings and facilitating community based art
experiences while working alongside group participants to help them
understand and assimilate the skills that she teaches.
earned her master’s degree in Art Therapy from Vermont
College of Norwich University. She is a board certified, registered
art therapist and has served both locally and nationally to advance
the profession of art therapy.